Friday, September 11, 2009

Make03_2005: DIY - Home

Make03_2005: DIY - Home
Pdf | 5 pgs | 1 mb


Make03_2005: DIY - Imaging

Make03_2005: DIY - Imaging
Pdf | 6 pgs | 2 mb


Make03_2005: DIY - Gaming

Make03_2005: DIY - Gaming
Pdf | 5 pgs | 1 mb


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cigar Box Guitar

Cigar Box Guitar
Ed Vogel | Make Vol. 04 - 2005 | Pdf | 13 pgs | 3 mb
Use a cigar box and twine to build a sweet-singin' three-string guitar. For something
completely different, warp an innocent toy musical keyboard into an irresistibly
twisted electronic noise factory. For dessert. savor the hidden intricacies of
flash-frozen reality with ultra-fast strobe photography.

Resurrecting This Old Amp

Resurrecting This Old Amp
Tom Anderson & Wendell Anderson | Make Vol. 02 - 2005 | Pdf | 8 pgs | 2 mb
Vintage guitar amplifiers are available on eBay --- brands like Fender, Vox, Marshall, Acoustic, and Sunn. We'll show you how to restore one of theses old amps and make it sounds as good or better than the day it was made.

Halloween Haunted House Controller

Halloween Haunted House Controller
Eric J. Wilhelm | Make Vol. 03 - 2005 | Pdf | 12 pgs | 4 mb
Build a relay board that synchronizes lights, motors, and other electronical devices to a scary soundtrack playing on a computer, and create spooky haunted house special effects!

A Fusion Reactor for the Rest of Us

A Fusion Reactor for the Rest of Us
Charles Platt | Make Vol. 03 - 2005 | Pdf | 11 pgs | 3 mb


Rontoknya Menara Kembar WTC NY

Tips bagi Fotografer: Datang Sedini Mungkin

APA yang harus dilakukan seorang wartawan foto bila terjadi suatu peristiwa? Bergegaslah datang ke tempat peristiwa itu sedini mungkin. Bila terlambat, pastilah wartawan foto tersebut akan kesulitan mendapatkan foto, karena para petugas sudah menguasai lokasi tersebut.

SELAIN kecepatan mendatangi tempat sedini mungkin, masih ada lagi suatu faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi berhasilnya seorang mendapatkan foto yang berkualitas dan dramatis. Faktor itu adalah faktor keberuntungan.

Fotografer Robert Clark dari Aurora adalah salah satu fotografer yang berhasil mengabadikan saat pesawat United Airlines yang lepas landas dari Boston ke Los Angeles, dibajak dan ditabrakkan ke Menara Selatan World Trade Centre (WTC), 11 September lalu.

Seperti juga fotografer lainnya, mereka bergegas saat sebuah pesawat American Airlines menabrak Menara Utara WTC pada pukul 08.45.

Robert Clark memilih mengabadikan dari jauh, tapi justru dengan pilihannya itu ia berhasil mengabadikan secara seri, saat pesawat terbang menuju menara WTC, menabrak dan mulai rontok. Bagi para fotografer yang memilih lokasi pengambilan sangat dekat, mustahil bisa mengabadikan pesawat kedua yang dihujamkan di menara kembar itu, apalagi secara seri foto.

Berbeda dengan televisi yang mengabadikan secara kontinu, seorang wartawan foto hanya mengabadikan pada momen-momen yang dianggap menarik. Keputusan Robert Clark untuk mengabadikan secara seri dengan menggunakan tripod tentulah salah satu faktor yang menunjang keberhasilannya. Di sinilah kekuatan dari suatu foto dibandingkan dengan televisi. Imaji yang di televisi hanya berlangsung sekejap, sedangkan foto bisa dinikmati berulang-ulang.

Mungkin menarik kalau menyimak kata-kata Seijiro Kurosawa, fotografer Asahi Shimbun yang kini sudah meninggal karena kecelakaan helikopter. "Di mana pun Anda berada, tugas utama Anda adalah sebagai fotografer. Kalau Anda ingin menghentikan, lakukanlah dengan foto. Kalau Anda ingin menolong, tolonglah dengan foto yang bisa mempengaruhi. Foto punya kekuatan dan energi hingga semuanya bisa menjadi kenyataan, sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilakukan sendiri oleh kekuatan rakyat sekalipun. Dan kami percaya bahwa fotografi adalah senjata kami." (kr)

Minggu, 23/09/01

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Make03_2005: DIY - Design

Make03_2005: DIY - Design
Pdf | 6 pgs | 2 mb


The Night Lighter 36

The Night Lighter 36
William Gurstelle | Make Vol. 03 - 2005 | Pdf | 11 pgs | 3 mb
Launch potato projectiles 200+ yards with this stun-gun triggered, high-powered potato cannon with see-thru action (Good thing potatoes are biodegradable).

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mousey the Junkbot

Mousey the Junkbot
Gareth Branwyn | Make Vol. 02 - 2005 | Pdf | 14 pgs | 3 mb

This project turns an analog computer mouse into a robot that'll delight friends and wow workmates down on the cube farm. Mousey's behavior is fittingly mouse-like. It scoots quickly across the floor, thanks to lively little motors. And when the critter crashes into anything, it speeds off in the opposite direction.

The robot's "brains" are an ingenious hack based on an audio operational amplifier (op-amp), an 8-pin chip that's normally used to drive answering machine speakers and other lo-fi equipment. Following Randy Sargent's pioneering design (see page 102 , Mousey repurposes this chip to boost light-sensor input to motor-powerable levels. The result is simple, fast-reacting analog circuitry that fits inside a mouse case.

Making Biodiesel

Making Biodiesel
Rob Elam | Make Vol. 03 - 2005 | Pdf | 9 pgs | 2 mb
It's easy to make a small batch of biodiesel that will work in any diesel engine. You don't need any special equipment - an old juice bottle wilI serve as the "reactor" vessel - and on such a small scale you can quickly refine your technique and perform further experiments. After a few liters' worth of experience, you'll know if you've been bitten by the biodiesel bug.

The principle behind biodieseling is to take vegetable oil (either new or used), and process it into a fuel that's thin enough to spray from a regular diesel engine's fuel-injection system. This is done chemically, by converting the oil into two types of compounds: biodiesel, which shares the original oil's combustibility, and glycerin, which retains the oil's thick, viscous properties. Drain away the glycerin, and you're left with a fuel that you can pour into any diesel vehicle with no further modification.

Once you get to the far side of the learning curve, making biodiesel is very much like cooking. In fact, a commercial biodiesel production plant shares more in common with a large-scale bakery than a petroleum refinery. There's organic chemistry involved in baking a cake, but most bakers wouIdn't consider themselves organic chemists.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy
Thieme | ISBN 13: 978-1-58890-475-1 | Pdf | 274 pgs | 22 mb
This book presents the basic anatomy needed to interpret modern sectional images.

In making a diagnosis from sectional images, even experienced diagnosticians must adapt their thinking to the sectional portrayal of anatomic features. The Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy aims to facilitate this process by presenting the two modalities that have the greatest practical importance in modern sectional imaging: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

The importance of these modalities rests partly on their high resolution. So many of the images were produced with 3-tesla instruments. We wish to express our gratitude to the manufacturers, Siemens and Philips.

We have attempted to provide vivid, comprehensive coverage of sectional anatomic details while still making the book compact and easy to use. The four-color illustrations were considered an essential part of this goal to maintain clarity despite the quantity of information.

Atari 2600 PC

Atari 2600 PC
Joe Grand | Make Vol. 02 - 2005 | Pdf | 37 pgs | 7 mb

I'm a historian of retro videogame systems and enjoy playing games on many different systems. I have a personal connection to the Atari 2600, which is probably related to my nostalgia for growing up with one. From an engineering perspective, the design of the Atari 2600 hardware is both simple and complex - yin and yang, so to speak - and it has enticed me for many years.

The goal of this project is to cram a full-featured PC system into a retro Atari 2600 videogame case. Not only is this a real challenge, but it's extremely rewarding.

Printed Circuit Board

Printed Circuit Board
Andrew Argyle | Make Vol. 02 - 2005 | Pdf | 8 pgs | 2 mb
Making your own printed circuit board (PCB) might seem a daunting task, but once you master the steps, it's easy to attain professional-looking results.

Printed circuit boards, which connect chips and other components, are what make almost all modern electronic devices possible. PCBs are made from sheets of fiberglass clad with copper, usually in multiple layers. Cut a computer motherboard in two, for instance, and you'll often see five or more differently patterned layers. Making boards at home is relatively easy, but limited to one- or two-layer designs. Here's how to create a one-layer board for a blinking LED circuit. For PCBs, this exercise is the equivalent of a beginner's "Hello World" program in software.